Tuesday, November 21, 2017

⛵Opti yacht reflection (really detailed in some bits)_Riley⛵

Day one, Mon, 13, 2017

Sitting, waiting the bus had finally reached our destination, Napier pond.  Gazing around the bus the corner of my eye caught a glimpse of a yellow yacht capsized.  Watching them try to flip it back over I realized that everyone was hopping off.  Once I was off I got the fresh smell of salt water and got really excited.

Walking over to a wooden fence the first yacht had come to shore.  Following the first another 2 or 3 came smashing in and before you know it, all the yachts had been returned to shore.  Once Mr Marple had got out of the boat and came over to us everyone had exited the now gone bus.  Dumping our bags and equipping the life jackets Mr Marple started talking but not about anything we needed to know unless we didn't do our work for the past week.  About 2 minute had passed and he surprisingly stopped talking but then our teachers started talking and talking about groups.  Again we waited but this time it felt like a shorter time so I’d say a minute.  This time I learnt something useful, I was going on the tire, tube, thingies first.  Walking over my excitation if that is even a word, well it dropped but pretty quickly came back because we were just able to float out to the middle of the lake and chill.`

Hopping onto the tyre with the one and only (Say Jaedem Sydney epicly because it adds something to the story) Jaedem Sydney we paddled and paddled soon finding out that we needed a rhythm. One, two, paddle, one, two, paddle we had made it to the centre.  Jae (Jaedem) wanted to return to shore so we started paddling till we found out the tide was against us struggling and struggling we just gave up and let the tide take us.  After a few minutes (it felt like hours) I had my energy back and with an even better plan. “Abandon ship,” I screamed and swam into shore.  Swimming was no use either and Jae had floated to far away which meant I couldn’t hop back on the tire.  Coming up with another plan I just turned over and lay in a star formation letting the tide take me.  Soon I found a kayak, not my dad's but someone that I didn't know so I turned back over and swam to try and catch them.  Not managing to catch the kayak I got into shore with the surprise of Jae right behind.  Leaving the water I watched and waited until a paddle floated in.

Grasping the paddle I reached out to Jae and pulled him in.  We also came in at the perfect time to swap into the yachts!  Watching all the tyres be paddled into the shore we were put into lines ready to head off to the yachts.  Once everyone was in at shore we started to walk down to the yachts and wait until the yachts were returned and (Say the rest of this sentence sarcastically) then oh what a surprise Mr Marple started talking.  Everything that came out of Mr Marples mouth were things that we should already know unless again we didn't do our work last week.  Finally we got to get partners and get into the yacht.  Looking for a partner I found no one sooooooooooo I had to go with Jaedem and Finn. Hopping we all got jobs, Jae was steering, Finn was main sheeting and I was chilling.  You guys are probably getting sick of reading this really long reflection so I will describe it in 3 words beautiful, amazing and relaxing.  Once we were called in Finn pulled the sail tight and in the blink of an eye we we’re back.

 I removed the centreboard, we docked got out, got dressed and finally got something eat.  Lining up Mrs Graham and Mrs Roil took the roll and we were off.

You got all that because there are still another 2 days to go.  

Day 2, Tues, 14, 2017

Back again but this time the school bell hadn’t rung and we were the first class. Ok I’ll go on with the story. Hopping off we dumped our bags, got life jackets, took the yachts down to the water because this time room 15 were first on the yachts and hopped in.  Ok I’ve got that over.

Now that we were out we set a challenge to get across the lake to the number 1 buoy.  Sailing as fast we could we took a shortcut to see my dad. Cutting in my dad shouted out “your rudder isn’t down.”  We didn't hear so my dad came in took the rudder out re-clipped it and put it down.  Thanking him we set off for our goal the 1.  Nearly making it Mr Marple came out and stopped us because we had to swap, turning around and head in.  Once in at shore we obviously docked by removing the centre board, hopping out pulling the rudder up and pulling it up so it couldn’t float off.

Now we got let off to the tyres which we were able to hop straight in if they were where they were supposed to be.  Rolling the tyres down I realized could have just pushed them through the water instead so I did just that.  Once down at the spot me and Jae paired up again paddling out to the centre again until we got told not to go past the kayaks.  Paddling for a long and I mean long time, Jae decided to abandon me to which Oli replaced so he could get away from a “shark”.  The “shark was obviously a fake and you should know that because I Air quoted it (I don’t know if they are called air quotes but just roll with it).  Oli soon abandoned me as well because we weren’t going anywhere.  When he abandoned me I fell back with my mouth filled with water.  Feeling like I was gonna spew I headed to shore.

Sitting on the shore waiting for it to be over we got called to come back.  This time I took large, medium and small tire back by pushing them through the water.  Once back I got dressed boarded the bus and went home once at school because I felt really sick.

How was that less detailed one?  Better worse you decide.

Day 3, Thu, 16, 2017

Leaving the bus after the boring ride yeah, yeah, yeah you’ve got the story.

We went on the tyres same oh, same oh but on the yachts was where the fun happened.  Boarding with Jae again I was using the mainsheet like Tuesday but soon wanted to hop out.  I was thinking to myself won’t I have to get out as well? but when we were back Mrs Graham asked do you want to go by yourself and I responded with “Yeah”.  Heading out I put the centreboard in and the rudder down.  I was sailing.  Enjoyment was all that I could feel even when the yacht started filling with water.  I just have 1 word to describe this, the best thing I have ever done.  OK it wasn’t 1 word but I had too, it is %100 awesome.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

“Cwaw”, Target locked.  Staring I a grey, bland pigeon saw a glazed donut.  Waddling over to get a look the man tears a fraction off of the donut.  The man swings his arm and throws the chunk.  Looking back the bird sighs “Cwaw”.  Starting to attack the man quickly decided to throw the donut.  I finally get that sticky, jam, glazed, delicous donut I thought.  Swiftly flying over to the donut I sort of knocked the suitcase over trapping myself.  Inside was dim being illuminated by a camera screen.  Pecking at some buttons a hatch opended allowing a big, bright red button.  Deciding to peck I accidentally knocked a joystick. The suitcase started bouncing around with the lid opening occassenally.  Once I started playing with the joystick I felt sick.  Hearing a lady scream I decided why not chase her?  After ran away I found another button that had a fine print of the word fie.  Pecking at it over and over again I found yet another button.  When I pressed it all my insides dropped.  Questioning myself I looked on the camera screen and came to conclusion that I was flying without using my wings!  Off into the distance I flew screaming with joy and then backtracking to try and kill the man.  I had lost the man, it looked like he just faded into the ground so I reloaded and caused some chaos in the state of washington D.C.  Starting to blow some cars up I saw the man with something in his hand.  Focusing in on it I realized it was a donut being held over some fire.  Landing and opening the lid the man tried to bait which I was going to fall for untill he tried grabbing me.  Hopping straight in I got a misile out and threatened to shoot.  Throwing the donut up and into the air I opened the suitcase to which the man whacked me out.  Falling down the donut landed on the big red buttoncausing a nuke to come out the Washing monument.  Flying through the streets chasing the man I caut up with him whilst in the air.  The man tried to shoot but I knocked him causing to keep missing the nuke.  Landing on the suitcase the man tried shooting.  Changing to a rocket the man released the donut which caused me to obviously go get it.  Once gone a big bang went of above me.  Finally getting to the ground I began munching away at the delicious meal.  Trying to rip a piece of but failing I tried to get the mans attention but he ignored me.  Hearing a noise I looked up as soon the tip of the nuke had fallen finishing me and the donut

Holiday writing