Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Term 2 Math reflection

Term 2
Math reflection

What have I learnt this term
  1. Strategies - New strategies have helped me solve many questions that before would have been a lot harder like 63 x 39 = ____
A strategy you could use is box mult (iplication).

      2. Mistakes - Mistakes seem terrible at first but they actually help the brain grow.  Scientists have proven that mistakes make your brain grow more than getting stuff right.

      3. Sharing ideas - Work together, everything will be easy.  Two brains are a lot better than one. In most cases groups learn more than singularly placed people.

      4. Growth mindset - Keep a growth mindset for everything, you’ll achieve more.  A growth mindset is when you try new things and keep improving. Don’t keep a fixed mindset!

      5. Pi - 3.14159265359 a.k.a the best food ever a.k.a the circumference of a circle a.k.a 3 and a bit.

      6. Math people - Everyone is a math person.  Scientists have proven the brain is pretty much plastic or rubber

How I have adapted new ideas into my learning
  1. Response - Response can be adapted to all positions in learning, literacy, art, P.E, all sorts.

      2. Mistakes - Mistakes actually help and again in all positions of learning.  It’ll help your brain grow in many different places.

      3. Sharing ideas - Again this will help in all positions but everyone uses this one in literacy but consider it stealing ideas.

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