Amazon Rainforest
You’re planning a trip to a dangerous rainforest so here's a question for you what would you bring, what would you do if you were trapped, how and where should you build your camp, what plants and animals can you eat and most importantly the location?
Where is it?
If you are interested in travelling to the amazon it is located northwest of Brazil and in another 8 countries so 9 countries in total. The 9 countries consist of Brazil, Ecuador, Guyana, colombia, Bolivia, Suriname, Venezuela, Peru and French Guiana.
The wild is a rough place especially if you don’t have the correct equipment or materials so here a basic list of equipment you’ll need. If you are planning a trip these are the number 1 things you’ll need
- Knife
- Tarp
- Canned food
- Bottled water
- Can opener
- Tape
- First aid kit
- Personal locator beacon (PLB)
- Radio
- Sleeping bag
- Matches
There are still many more things you should take but these are just the essentials for surviving in the wild.
Deadly Plants
Upon millions of plants in the Amazon today I will only be covering a few like the deadly ones and edible ones. Starting with the deadly ones that you do not want to set up a camp near is the Nerium Oleander. Even though it look like your everyday garden flower it’s not, once it’s touched it releases a toxin and can result in death. It is said that Alexander the Great lost many soldiers because they ate meat skewered on the twigs. Next is the Aconitum which is highly toxic and will kill. The Aconitum is bitter and if it’s consumed the eaters mouth will burn and then your mouth will go numb. The Aconitum is used for many things like take for example the roots are used as medicine but than the plant is used to tip arrows with poison. Even though there many more deadly plants I’m gonna move onto the edible ones.
Edible Plants
Now beginning on the first edible plant is Musa Paradisiaca A.K.A the banana. You’ll find a lot of Musa Paradisiaca in the Amazon along with Piper Nigrum (The black pepper), some Cashews, Cocoa, Cloves (they look disgusting), citrus fruits and many more.
Deadly Animals
Now is the animals which again I can’t cover them all so just a few deadly and some edible ones. Starting with the deadly ones is the Drumroll please, most deadly one of the bunch, Poisonous Dart Frog. The poisonous Dart Frog is extremely deadly but scientists have yet to prove how it gains it’s toxin. Scientists say it is possible that they digest plant or some prey that are either poisoned or poisonous. It is impossible for the Poisonous Dart Frogs to develop poisons because are held captive in their native habitat. Next is the Brazilian Wandering Spider A.K.A the most deadly on the planet. The spider is 5 centimeters longs so not that big right, well think again, that’s only body size, the leg span reaches upto 15 centimeters which is half a average ruler size. The Brazilian wandering also has many other names such as the armed spider or banana spider. The bite from this spider can be extremely deadly an adult nowhere near as close as deadly as it is to a child. To minimize the chances of death the victim should take antivenom ASAP.
Edible Animals
Now is the Arapaima which is also the first edible animal. The Arapaima is a huge fish that grows to 3m and drumroll please, 200KG. This fish is very odd as well because it as teeth on it’s tongue and teeth on the roof of its mouth so it can eat. The Arapaima has a appetite for many things such as fruits, insects, seeds, birds and many mammals found at the water surface. The Arapaima lives in slow moving rivers so it can easily breath out of the water like us humans. The Arapaima is extremely fat as well and it usually takes many people to carry one of these beasts. These fish are also sadly going extinct from the Brazilian waterways because of overfishing. Now that that is done I’m gonna talk about the Tambaqui which has a few weird and wacky features. The Tambaqui is weird in many ways but the weirdest is the fact that some of their teeth look like a humans human’s teeth which is disgusting.
This fish also swims in floods to eat fruits and seeds because it is a herbivore but the weird thing is that it belongs in the sub family of the carnivorous paranha piranha. This fish has a diet of mostly fruit because it’s a herbivour herbivore and another fact is these fish cause some fish to decide on new habitat locations. The fishes length varies as well ranging from 20 to 100 cm.
There are dare I say it, tribes running around the forest shooting things with shotguns or bows and arrows. These tribes also try to shoot planes that are flying overhead. These tribes also have no contact to the outside world which you must get bored and lonely with just wood and grass to play with. It is even said that some tribes are still undescovered undiscovered in the mighty forest. Yanomami is the name of the largest tribe known in the Amazon leaving the little tribes in their territory to be killed.
Fun Facts
Now for some fun facts.
- Did you know if the Amazon rainforest was a country it would be ranked 9th in size.
- Did you know the Amazon is also called the earth's lungs because it supplies 20% of the worlds oxygen.
- Did you know half of the worlds plantlife and animal species come from rainforests such as the Amazon.
- Did you know the Amazon has been a thing for 55 million years but the Amazon river has only been for 11 million years.
- Did you know the Amazon river is a freshwater river.
The Amazon (The Amazon is what this report was on just incase you didn't read it all) is a extremely interesting and massive place that you now know many things about such as the animals and plants. This report only covered very few facts so if you are interested just go google some more facts. Now that we’ve covered all the basics of the Amazon and survival you might stand a chance against the wild.