Thursday, August 4, 2016

Narrative story

The Tiger who lost it's stripes
Once upon a time there was a Tiger and he went exploring everyday. One day he found a blackberry bush and started running around it. He saw the bushes starting to move and started to run away from the blackberry bush but got his stripes stuck on the spikes. After he had got out of view from the blackberry bush he had realized his stripes had gone missing. He started wondering where his stripes had gone but while he was thinking a woodpecker came and asked why the tiger had no stripes. He told him about seeing the bush move and how he started running and lost his stripes. Then the woodpecker asked some questions and the tiger started answering them. Finally they found out that the stripes had got stuck on the spikes and the bush was moving because the woodpecker was in it. At last they found the stripes and everyone started celebrating.
The end

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