Thursday, April 12, 2018

The wolf

The Wolf
The wolf is a well known beast with many types, habitats and apparences so buckle up for this one.

The wolf, a animal with many types so many appearances since there are so many types right.  Some
wolves are distinct like the like the arabian wolf and the arctic wolf, it is nearly impossible to think they
are the same type but some like the cascade mountain wolf and the gray wolf are harder to distinguish.  

The gray wolf has a wide variety of habitats which are pretty unbelievable.  It lives in tundra, mountain
areas, woodlands, forests, grasslands and deserts. Here's another fact that I bet you didn't know.  
Around 7000 - 11,200 gray wolves live in Alaska but only around 5000 live in the all the other 48 states
of America combined (excluding hawaii).

Wolves are monsters for food but what is it that these carnivorous beasts eat.  A wolf is a carnivore so
it only eats meat. The wolves diet is mostly large hooved animals and herviborous herbivorous
animals like elk, doe, deer, caribou (reindeer) and moose.  Sometimes a wolf will also eat stuff like
beavers rabbit's and other small animals.  Did you know one meal for a wolf is the equivalent to 80
hamburgers. Wolves are also scavengers which means they eat dead animals that are already dead.

Wolves are beasts but they have difficult, short lifes.  The gray wolves life span is regularly one year
because life is tough as a gray wolf especially for pups.  A gray wolf pup usually only lasts half a year
but the pups that survive then move on. After six months the wolf pups almost look like adults and
than are able to hunt food but under another wolves supervision or just hunt at the rendezvous site.

Population a.k.a amount of wolf species left is a surprise actually.  The population for wolves was
terrible in 1907 because everyone was scared of the beasts they killed them and deemed them
extinct.  Then a few years later the population began increasing until they were just as popular as
before the incident. The overall population of wolves is 16,575 wolves overall in U.S.A.

Although there are many more wolves and many more facts that I haven't covered here I have
finished for this report so Riley (B) out.